Custom Pre Roll Boxes

If you’ve been thinking about getting your very own pre roll boxes, then you’re probably already aware of the benefits they can offer you and your business. At first, they may seem like they’re just going to be another accessory to your weed packaging kit, but once you have them you’ll quickly learn that they have many different uses that will allow you to run your cannabis company much more smoothly and professionally than before. However, before you head out and start buying these things, take the time to consider some of the things that will help you get exactly what you need from them.
Choosing your Packaging
Choosing the right packaging for your custom pre-roll boxes can be a difficult decision. But one that will have a big impact on how your customers feel about your product. We recommend that you consider all of the different options before making any decisions.
If you are looking for something more upscale and that stands out, paperboard is an option. Paperboard is also great because it allows you to put more information on the packaging so that your customers know what they are getting when they buy from you. This can be especially helpful if your products come in multiple strains with different highs and effects. CBD oil boxes also come in a variety of colors which allows you to create a unified branding for your company, instead of each box having its own color scheme.
What Type of Box Should you Choose?
The most popular type of box for pre-rolls is metal tins. These types of boxes are usually a bit more expensive than plastic and paperboard boxes, but they offer much better protection against damage to your pre-rolls while in transit. The downside to this type of box is that it can be difficult to remove the individual pieces without damaging them since there's no opening on the top. If you plan on using these tins for long periods of time (such as storing your pre-rolls for months), then this might not be an issue.
Step 1 - Gather your Materials
The first thing you need to do is gather all of your materials for your custom pre roll boxes. You will need a paper or cardboard box, glue, scissors, craft/decorative tape, and your pre roll joints. The size of the box you choose should be determined by how many joints you want to store in it. If you are using a small box that will only hold one joint then the dimensions should be about 3x3x2 inches. The dimensions for a medium-sized box that can hold up to four joints would be about 6x6x4 inches and for a large box that can hold six joints would be about 8x8x6 inches.
Step 2 - Print out your template
The next step is to print out your template for your custom pre roll boxes. Print it at the actual size you want it to be. The template can be printed on a regular sheet of paper and then taped together in order to make the box. Another option is to take a photo of the template on your computer screen and use that as your guide for cutting. I prefer this option because it’s easier for me personally, but there are lots of different ways you can choose from in order to create your custom pre-roll boxes!
Step 3 - Cut up your box
Once you have your box cut up, it's time to assemble the pre roll box. This is by far the most difficult part of the process, as it requires precision in order to get a nice clean fit.
1) Fold over one flap and line up its edge with the other side. Ensure that you fold it so that there are no gaps on either side.
2) Tape down all four sides of this flap (both inside and out).
3) Do the same for the opposite flap. When you're done taping this one down, make sure to overlap the two flaps so that they line up perfectly with each other on both sides. The corners should also match up nicely in terms of shape and size.
Step 4 - Assemble your box
Now that you have all the pieces, it's time to assemble your box. The first step is to fold your flaps in the opposite direction that they are currently facing. Next, put on the first flap and secure it by tucking the bottom of the flap into one of the slots on each side of the box. Finally, tuck in the top flap and secure it with tape or glue to finish off your pre roll boxes!
Step 5 - Voila! You have created a preroll box.
Once you have your design and dimensions finalized for your custom pre roll boxes, here are the steps you will need to take in order to create your custom pre roll box:
Download Photoshop or InDesign. For this tutorial, I am using Adobe Photoshop CC
Create a new document with the dimensions of the packaging that you are going to use. The best way to do this is start by measuring and then going into Photoshop or InDesign and adjusting the measurements accordingly. Once you have the right size, create a new document with those dimensions. I used an 8x8 inch square for my pre-rolls because it's a great size for storage as well
Type your text into your design.
Be sure to make all of your fonts large enough so they can be read from across the room. A good idea is to give some text a shadow so it stands out more on the package. Add your logo if you haven't already done so. Try not to cram too many words onto each line or the package will be hard to read when folded
Add photos if desired!
Using stock photography may not be allowed, but feel free to add photos of yourself, friends, events...anything goes!
So what do you think? Do you want to design your own custom pre roll boxes? There are so many different designs and themes that you can choose from. This is a great way to stand out in the cannabis industry.
You don't have to be a designer to create your own custom pre roll box! All you need is Photoshop or any other editing software and some patience. Hopefully, this blog post gave you some ideas on how to get started with designing your own custom pre roll boxes!
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